Countless individuals in Wisconsin and elsewhere have been involved in routine traffic stops for various reasons over the years. Whether for a more serious offense, such as speeding, or simply for an issue with a headlight, these incidents can be stressful enough on...

Month: May 2017
Man accused of sex crimes related to alleged actions with underage girl
The internet can be a place of anonymity and uncertainty. This technological advancement has made it possible to easily connect with people from various regions across the country, without the need for a physical meeting. Although beneficial in numerous ways,...
Man accused of sex crimes 7 years after alleged incident
Facing criminal accusations can be extremely intimidating, especially when the incident is said to have taken place several years prior. However, this has occurred in many instances involving allegations of sex crimes involving minors, with many victims claiming to...
Music teacher in Wisconsin facing allegations for sex crimes
Teachers often play a significant role in the development of students. Many individuals can recall their favorite teacher even after numerous years have passed. Unfortunately, the delicate balance between student/teacher relations has also led to criminal accusations...
Former school administrator accused of multiple sex crimes
When accused of a crime, some individuals may feel pressured to make a statement. In some cases, an accused individual may even confess to crimes under duress. Unfortunately, issuing an early statement or confession without first consulting with legal counsel can make...
Alleged domestic violence leads to multiple charges for man
Acts of violence are far too common in Wisconsin as well as various areas across the country. The penalties for similar crimes are severe, often lead to restraining orders and, in some cases, time behind bars. However, allegations of domestic violence may often be...
Know the facts about cyber crime charges
As computer crime expands its scope, lawmakers and law enforcement agencies double up on their efforts to combat it. Wisconsin agencies work in tandem with federal organizations such as the FBI and the Secret Service to detect and prosecute cyber crime. At their core,...
Wisconsin man accused of sex crimes dating back to 1994
In order to convict an accused individual of sexual assault, he or she must be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. This process can be challenging, especially when the alleged incident is said to have taken place over 20 years ago. A Wisconsin man has...
25-year-old man in Wisconsin accused of multiple drug crimes
Authorities across the country have put a great deal of time and effort into shutting down illegal drug operations over the years. Investigations into these operations have led to the arrest of countless individuals. Unfortunately, innocent bystanders can potentially...