If you're facing criminal charges and the prosecution has an eyewitness lined up to give testimony, you're likely feeling discouraged about your case. However, research shows that eyewitness testimony is often unreliable in a courtroom. Here are a few reasons why you...

Month: June 2016
Wisconsin man accused of sex crimes, child pornography
As technology evolves, so do the laws regarding internet crimes, especially those concerning the distribution of pornography. Anyone in Wisconsin who is charged with distributing pornography has probably been under investigation for some time and should seek legal...
Life after sex crimes convictions challenging in Wisconsin
When a person is convicted of a crime and successfully carries out the sentence ordered by the court, that person is often then released back into the community. Those convicted of sex crimes in Wisconsin are often required to maintain contact with authorities and...
Life after drug crimes in Wisconsin
Being accused of drug-related wrongdoing in Wisconsin can result in a person's embarrassment, anxiety and worry about the future. The penalties for drug crimes can be quite severe. However, not everyone accused will spend time behind bars or even be convicted....
Wisconsin man fights sex crimes charges
Committing some crimes may mean spending time in prison, but other crimes may bring a lifetime of punishment, even after jail time has been served. In Wisconsin and other states, those convicted of sex crimes may receive long prison sentences followed by years of...
Why even the innocent can benefit from an attorney
There are many situations throughout life in which we decide to hire a professional. When we need to fix our roof, we call a roofer. When our car breaks down, we take it to a mechanic. And when we need to do our taxes, we take our paperwork to a tax preparer. So it...
Suspected drug crimes in Jefferson County Wisconsin
When facing drug charges in Wisconsin, it is impossible to determine ahead of time what the outcome will be in court. Often, results vary depending upon many different aspects of a situation, including but not limited to the type of legal representation a defendant...
Woman charged with violent crimes in Wisconsin
When a person in Wisconsin is accused of a crime, a process unfolds wherein that person will be made to present a defense to the court. One would hope there would be a way to eradicate violent crimes from society. The fact remains, however, that charges of arson,...
Milwaukee man accused of sex crimes after incarceration
In certain circumstances, someone who has served time in prison after being convicted of a crime must continue to be monitored in some way after being released from jail. For instance, those who were convicted for violent sex crimes must continue to update their...
Building strong defense when charged with white collar crimes
No one knows ahead of time how a court hearing will turn out when facing formal charges for a crime. White collar crimes occur on a rather frequent basis in Wisconsin, since the dawn of advanced technology and internet commerce/trade. However, just because one is...