Being accused of drug-related wrongdoing in Wisconsin can result in a person’s embarrassment, anxiety and worry about the future. The penalties for drug crimes can be quite severe. However, not everyone accused will spend time behind bars or even be convicted.
Although, there are specific guidelines that govern such matters, the type of sentence handed down by the court after conviction varies and is ultimately left to a judge’s decision. Typically, the best way to handle such situations is to build as strong a defense as possible from the very beginning, sometimes even before an arrest has taken place. To do so, one can contact a criminal defense lawyer in the area to seek guidance.
The law office of Kohn & Smith is dedicated to offering personal attention and effective representation to those charged with drug-related crimes throughout the state. We understand that your personal and business reputation may be at stake. One of our main goals would be to help minimize the potential negative impact your situation might have on your future.
Even if you have just been made aware that you are being investigated for drug crimes in Wisconsin, but have not yet been formally charged, you can call our experienced legal team for guidance. Often, the sooner you begin to build a strong defense, the increased chance you may have of obtaining a favorable outcome in court. Although an attorney can never guarantee that a client will not be convicted of the crime for which he or she has been accused, we can provide sound legal counsel and help you explore all options that might be available toward a successful result.