Upon discovering the presence of financial discrepancies, many companies may feel it necessary to launch an investigation into the matter. As the desire to resolve the matter could leave investigators looking for someone to blame, such a scenario runs the risk of...

White Collar Crimes
How do wire and mail fraud differ?
In Wisconsin, mail fraud and wire fraud are among the most common white collar crimes. They are a form of fraud, meaning money or property is one's main target. But what differentiates mail from wire fraud? Is there a significant difference between the two? Today we...
White collar crimes: 1 facing felony forgery charges in Wisconsin
While many consumers may choose the convenience of paying for purchases with cash or a debit card, some still use personal checks to pay for a variety of items. Some stores may even allow customers to write checks for larger purchases, and if a check fails to clear...
White collar crimes: Man pleads not guilty to embezzlement
When a business feels as though certain amounts of revenue have been misplaced, it may wish to further investigate the matter. In some cases, a company may seek to place the blame on an employee, and a similar situation could leave a person facing allegations of white...
White collar crimes: Man accused of embezzling over $100,000
A 54-year-old man is reportedly facing numerous felony charges after allegedly embezzling over $100,000 while employed at the University of Wisconsin. Being accused of white collar crimes of this nature can be a stressful and harrowing experience. Those who face...
1 facing multiple white collar crimes charges in Wisconsin
When a company begins to experience periods of financial strain, its owners may wish to determine the root of its struggles. In some cases, a company might attempt to find someone on which to lay the blame, and the investigation can leave an employee accused of white...
White collar crimes: 1 facing felony charges in Wisconsin
A 22-year-old woman is reportedly facing felony identity theft charges after allegedly stealing and using the bank account information of several others in Wisconsin. White collar crimes such as identity theft carry serious consequences if a conviction is obtained....
1 facing felony identity theft charges in Wisconsin
Upon initiating a routine traffic stop, authorities may ask the driver of the vehicle to provide some form of identification. Attempting to provide a false name is never advisable and may only act to make police suspicious and lead them to investigate the matter...
Investigation leads to fraud and theft charges for pharmacist
When it comes to taking inventory at work, employees are bound to make mistakes from time to time. While in most cases, such an error could only lead to disciplinary action, if a company feels as though a theft has occurred, an employee could face criminal charges. A...
1 facing allegations of white collar crime in Wisconsin
Some businesses deem it necessary to allow certain employees to handle funds on a daily basis. Should a company believe an employee is abusing this privilege, it may choose to initiate an investigation. A woman has recently been accused of white collar crimes in...