A situation has developed at a university in Wisconsin that has many students and others concerned. Serious sex crimes allegations have been filed against a 20-year-old man currently enrolled at the school. Statements from the man’s attorney include flat-out denial of the claims, with further insinuations that the suspect is a victim of character defamation.
The unleashing of accusations appears to have begun after one female student reported a particular incident to police. The woman described being allegedly sexually assaulted by the man for more than two hours at his apartment. She had apparently accepted an invitation to visit there after several other outings together, all of which had occurred in public places.
After word of the police report got around campus, other women started coming forward with similar allegations against the same man. Authorities say the suspect is currently being held in jail for his own safety due to the seriousness of the accusations against him and the public outcry that has thus far ensued. The man’s attorney claims his client is innocent of all charges against him and that he has been greatly harmed by an onslaught of character assaults publicized on various online venues.
Authorities say at least 20 notebooks were found in the man’s apartment. They reviewed one of the notebooks and claim it contains lists of women’s names, followed by descriptions of acts the man hoped to commit with them. As in all cases where sex crimes charges are filed, this Wisconsin university student has ever right to present as strong a defense as possible in court.
Source: The Washington Post, “UW-Madison student charged with sexual assault involving 5 women. Lawyers say sex was consensual, denounce publicity frenzy.“, Fred Barbash, Oct. 27, 2016