Credit card fraud is rampant in Wisconsin and other parts of the country. The incidents can sometimes happen locally and are not always as widespread as the recent case with Target in which credit card information was compromised by hackers. One pair recently turned themselves in after using a stolen credit card dozens of times in their local area.
The alleged credit card fraud began in Dalton, Tennessee, in late November. The 26-year-old man and 33-year-old woman used a stolen credit card to charge more than $700. An investigation began and video footage showed that the transactions were made while the two suspects had children with them.
On Dec. 13, photos of the suspects were distributed to media outlets in the area. The two turned themselves in after seeing themselves on news reports and were arrested. The man was charged with 11 counts of credit card fraud, while the woman faces 12 counts of the same charge. They each also face one count of theft for taking the credit card, which police believe was dropped at a gas station.
These types of fraud charges can come with serious charges and penalties. They are not your usual criminal cases and the evidence collected by investigators can be numerous and may be presented as intentions instead of actions. Those charged with this type of crime need a solid defense attorney – one who knows how to counteract the prosecutor’s case in order to avoid jail time. Because the two turned themselves in, they are cooperating with police and may face less strict penalties. They may agree to a deal in which they pay back the victim for all the unauthorized charges made on the card.
Source: The Chattanoogan, “Dalton Police Department Arrests 2 In Credit Card Fraud Case” No author given, Dec. 27, 2013