Defending Against Statutory Rape Charges
Wisconsin is one of the most strict states when it comes to statutory rape. Statutory rape is defined as sexual contact with an individual who is under the age of consent. If you have been accused of this crime, it is imperative to speak with an effective and proven criminal defense attorney.
At Kohn & Smith, in Milwaukee, we have more than 35 years of combined experience and know how to properly defend your rights. Contact our skilled Wisconsin statutory rape defense attorneys online or call us at 414-273-0203to schedule your free initial consultation.
Sex With A Minor Charge Attorney Wisconsin
Being charged with statutory rape is a very serious offense that can be brought as either a felony or a misdemeanor in Wisconsin. It can also lead to registration as a sex offender. By consulting with an attorney early on in your case, you give yourself the best chances of building a successful defense to your charges.
Child sexual assault charges are taken very seriously by the prosecution and law enforcement officials. Do not speak with anyone prior to speaking with your attorney. Anything you say can and will be used against you regardless of what the police tell you.
Close In Age Exceptions In Wisconsin
Wisconsin is one of the few states that does not have a close in age exception to its statutory rape laws. This means that minors participating in sexual acts together can both be found to be victims and perpetrators of the crime at the same time. This makes the sex crimes laws in the state very confusing and complicated. If you or your child has been accused of statutory rape, do not hesitate to consult with a knowledgeable Milwaukee statutory rape defense lawyer.
Schedule A Free Initial Consultation Regarding Statutory Rape In Wisconsin
Our statutory rape defense attorneys at Kohn & Smith are ready to help you fight all charges of sex crimes in Milwaukee. Contact our sex assault defense law firm online or call 414-273-0203to schedule your free consultation.