JON'S CELL: 414-807-1044

We've Taken Tough Cases


Get The Defense You Need Against A Weapons Charge In Wisconsin

You do not have to actually fire a gun, hurt someone or even threaten anyone to be charged with a serious weapons offense in Wisconsin.

For example, if police found a dangerous weapon concealed on your person or in your vehicle, the resulting misdemeanor charge can bring jail time. If a weapon you possess is illegal — such as a sawed-off shotgun or short-barreled rifle — the offense is a felony. If you have a felony record already, conviction for possession of a firearm under any circumstances will be devastating.

Turn To Lawyers With Decades Of State And Federal Court Experience

At the Milwaukee criminal defense firm of Kohn & Smith, all three of our partner attorneys have extensive experience representing people accused of violent offenses and gun crimes. In addition to weapons charges, assault and homicide charges in Wisconsin state courts, our proven capabilities extend to federal weapons charges such as firearms trafficking across state lines and fraud committed to obtain a weapons permit.

Whatever the specific charge against you, our clear mission will be to find the best defense strategies for protection of your future. You can count on our lawyers to treat you with empathy and prioritize achieving the outcomes most important to you. Our reputation among Milwaukee-area prosecutors for diligence and integrity will be a key asset whether you ultimately decide we should negotiate for reduced consequences or take your case to trial.

Call 414-273-0203To Speak Directly With An Accomplished Defense Attorney

If you are accused of a gun crime or any similar offense, there is no time to lose in getting qualified, experienced defense counsel involved. At Kohn & Smith, we are available 24/7, and we will provide a free initial consultation to help you understand likely consequences and decide on your next step.