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Examining what leads to white collar crime

When people hear about the conduct of criminals in Milwaukee, they may agree that while a bit shocking and at times disturbing, there are often skewed explanations for why criminals behave the way they do. But what about white-collar crime? Why is it that business professionals who often have notable educational backgrounds, extensive experience, admirable skill sets and are well paid, choose to engage in criminal conduct?

The answer is not easily detected and can obviously vary from situation to situation. According to the Harvard Business Review, one researcher took an in-depth look at the reasons why white-collar crime even happens. Throughout all of the information that was gathered by the study, an astonishing lack of self-reflection was observed in people who had been convicted of white-collar crime.

It is suggested that executives are often far-removed from the checks and balances that exist in lower portions of an organization. This psychological freedom may introduce the temptation for them to make irrational and selfish decisions. Experts recommend that executives develop a team of confidants who are reliable, trustworthy and not afraid to express honest opinions or disagreement if a potentially questionable situation arises. Doing so may help executives to maintain the responsibility, accountability and transparency that is crucial to avoiding trouble.

Forbes similarly admonished business leaders to empower the people who oversee compliance issues within their organization. The recommendation is that leaders not limit these valued professionals to strictly training and educating their employees on compliance topics, but also allow them to actively contribute to developing strategies within the company designed to protect its people and assets.

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