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Domestic violence: Alleged threats lead to man’s arrest

While in many cases, a domestic dispute may involve little more than a shouting match, there is always the possibility the situation could turn dangerous and evolve into threats of harmful intent. Domestic violence is a significant concern across the country, and the results of such a dispute can be harmful to everyone involved. A 34-year-old man has recently been taken into custody after allegedly threatening the safety of his significant other and their children in Wisconsin.

According to reports, authorities received a call from a concerned witness claiming that the man had begun to threaten his girlfriend and their kids. The witness also advised them that there was a firearm within the home. Upon arriving at the scene, authorities assert that the woman and two kids were outside the residence at the time, and that the man remained within the home with a young child.

There was no mention of injuries to the woman or their kids, and after further investigation, police claim to have discovered that the firearm in question was a BB gun. However, the man was taken into custody soon thereafter and is facing criminal charges in relation to the incident. A conviction for similar charges carries severe consequences, and could potentially cause an individual to lose his or her rights to child custody or visitation, even if only temporarily.

Individuals who face domestic violence charges may wish to protect their rights and avoid potentially devastating consequences, but the process can be complex. When facing a similar situation, an individual could choose to consult an experienced attorney for advice on how best to approach the situation. An attorney can thoroughly evaluate the circumstances a client in Wisconsin is facing and assist in pursuing the best outcome possible during court proceedings.

Source: Waukesha, WI Patch, “Man Arrested For Domestic Dispute On Kensington“, Scott Anderson, Nov. 14, 2017

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