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Investigation leads to allegations of felony drug crimes

Being the subject of an ongoing investigation can be a stressful and intimidating process. The situation could become significantly more challenging should it lead to accusations of a crime, potentially leaving the accused party uncertain where to turn for guidance. Two individuals have recently been arrested and accused of felony drug crimes following a recent investigation in Wisconsin.

According to authorities, the investigation had been ongoing for over a year, during which they had kept watch over the activities of a man who was suspected of involvement in drug activities. After allegedly obtaining new information, they placed him under arrest and proceeded to execute a search warrant at his apartment. During the search, police say they seized over 500 grams of methamphetamine within the residence, and more than 130 grams of the substance in his vehicle.

Police claim the man’s girlfriend was at the apartment at the time of the search, and she was taken into custody soon thereafter. Both are facing felony drug-related charges, and if convicted, each would face serious consequences that could have a substantial impact on their future. Those accused of similar crimes could find it beneficial to prepare for the subsequent process by focusing on their defense, but the process can be complex.

When accused of drug crimes of this nature, one may find it advisable to seek guidance as soon as the charges are filed. By speaking with a defense attorney, a client in Wisconsin could obtain advice on the best course of action to take during legal proceedings. An attorney can thoroughly evaluate the situation and assist a client in pursuing the best possible outcome given the circumstances.

Source:, “Charges filed in largest bust from drug task force,” Jesse Horne, Oct. 11, 2017

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