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Know the facts about cyber crime charges

As computer crime expands its scope, lawmakers and law enforcement agencies double up on their efforts to combat it. Wisconsin agencies work in tandem with federal organizations such as the FBI and the Secret Service to detect and prosecute cyber crime.

At their core, cyber crimes are regular crimes people use a computer and internet access to commit. Because of these new and sophisticated methods of commission, traditional investigation techniques tend to fail. For this reason, state and federal law enforcement agencies establish dedicated computer crime task forces and departments. They keep up with new technological developments and work on ways to identify and trace illegal actions. They also examine computers, harddrives and mobile devices to get information about prior usage.

If you find yourself facing cyber crime charges, you need an experienced attorney with particular proficiency in dealing with both federal and state prosecutions. Defending against allegations of computer-based offenses also means knowing the typical investigation methods and what constitutes legitimate proof.


Hacking means unlawfully accessing a person’s or organization’s network through a remote connection. These charges can range from fairly minor to extremely serious. Interfering with government functions, transferring funds or substantially damaging the victim’s ability to do business are all examples of cyber crimes that can result in federal charges and years in prison.

Likelihood of federal charges

Federal authorities tend to get involved when they suspect the hacker operates as part of a larger criminal organization, when the operation crosses state lines or when the target presents particular importance. If you stand accused of participating in an organized scheme of computer crime, prosecutors may intend to file RICO charges. A RICO case creates a unique risk for defendants that opens them up to responsibility for actions by others they may never even known of.

Dealing with charges

Fraud, identity theft and cyber-stalking are some other types of common cyber crime charges. Sometimes innocent people face charges, as methods of tracing particular operations to a physical address and a person can result in error. Other times, a family member’s or a housemate’s computer usage may be attributed to you. Computer crime prosecutions can become extremely complex. If you have concerns about facing charges, speak with a knowledgeable defense attorney.


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