When several sources accuse an individual of a drug-related crime, he or she will likely become the target of an investigation. This can be a grueling process that may be challenging to overcome. Authorities often use information provided by informants to initiate similar investigations in an attempt to reduce the flow of drug traffic. A woman in Wisconsin has recently been accused of multiple drug crimes, alleging that she is running a major opioid ring.
Police claim that multiple informants have indicated that the woman runs the drug ring from her kitchen table. They also claim that she has several individuals that assist her in this process, some of which are family members. Allegedly, some of the informants have purchased various drugs from the woman, claiming that she uses profits to supply her son with heroin.
According to authorities, a vehicle that they suspect used to pick up drugs was involved in a traffic stop, and they claim that one of the individuals inside the car swallowed evidence. Several individuals are now facing multiple charges in relation to the investigation. Other than the alleged purchase of narcotics by informants, no other information was given that would support the claims of a major drug ring.
When a person is accused of drug crimes of this nature, it may take more than the claims of informants to obtain a conviction. Individuals who are in similar situations may wish to form an early defense strategy to challenge the charges, which may assist him or her in obtaining the best outcome possible given the circumstances. A person may choose to speak with an attorney in Wisconsin during this difficult period for advice on the best course of action to take.
Source: jsonline.com, “57-year-old Wisconsin mother charged with running major opioid ring from her kitchen“, Bruce Vielmetti, April 3, 2017