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Wisconsin man accused of sex crimes involving young children

Accusations for the sexual assault of a minor can wreak havoc on the life of an accused individual in numerous ways. Such allegations can brand a person for life, even if the charges are eventually dropped. A conviction for a similar crime can be significantly more challenging to overcome. A 69-year old man is facing similar circumstances after he was recently accused of sex crimes involving two children in Wisconsin.

Reportedly, a 5-year-old girl recently advised her mother that the man had sexually assaulted her as many as 30 times over the previous two months. According to the mother, when she confronted the man about the allegations, he allegedly admitted to committing the acts, along with other acts against a child one year younger. He has since been taken into custody and remains there after claiming an inability to post bail.

The man allegedly advised authorities of a need to pay for his actions, which he says he knew to be wrong. If convicted, he could potentially be facing a life-long prison term. Reportedly, there were also some concerns raised about his overall mental health. Although he allegedly admitted fault, if he has mental health issues, he may be unaware of what actually took place over the past two months.

An individual who is accused of sex crimes may find it beneficial to seek legal counsel before commenting on allegations. When facing a similar circumstance, accused individuals in Wisconsin often speak with a defense attorney for guidance and assistance in the process. An attorney can advise an individual on the possible consequences of the current situation and assist him or her in forming a strong defense to pursue the most favorable outcome possible.

Source:, “69-year-old Pewaukee man charged with sexual assault involving young children, ages 4 and 5“, Myra Sanchick, April 6, 2017

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