Just the accusation of a crime being committed can sometimes cause long-term or permanent damage to a person’s reputation, even if the allegations are found to be untrue. Sex crimes charges can be even more vilifying, and a conviction on such charges is almost certain to have negative effects on those found guilty that will last a lifetime. A Wisconsin man faces this very possibility after it was alleged that he possessed pornographic images of children on his computer. If found guilty of all charges, the man could be imprisoned for up to 235 yearsand fined $1 million.
A search warrant was obtained by Wisconsin officials and was served on Feb.7 for the search of the 45-year-old man’s home in Mayville. Upon execution of the warrant, officers apparently found the man at home along with a woman and a 9-year-old girl who also lived at the residence. Various devices, including USB and external hard drives, laptops, a Playstation 3, cell phones and a digital camera were seized by police. Ten images of child pornography are alleged to have been found after the items were reviewed by criminal investigators.
The officers who questioned the man claim that he admitted to downloading something but that the images were not labeled correctly. They claim that the man said that he would delete those images within two hours of downloading them. The police further allege that the man later admitted to having intentionally searched for child pornography for the past three to five years and that he preferred images of females between the ages of 10 and 13.
A person accused of sex crimes in Wisconsin will most likely face an aggressive prosecution strategy by the government. The penalties for the possession of child pornography are even more serious since each image is typically charged as an individual crime. By quickly enlisting the assistance of an attorney with experience defending those charged for these offenses, the rights of those accused can be defended and the best possible defense developed in order to pursue the best possible outcome for the client.
Source: madison.com, “Mayville man charged with possession of child porn“, Bobbye Pyke, Feb. 9, 2017