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Husband and wife admit white collar crimes

Whether someone accused of a financial crime in Wisconsin should plead guilty in court is a matter of concern that may be decided differently in various situations. What may be in one person’s best interests when charged with white collar crimes, may not be for another. Making such determinations is often made easier by consulting with an experienced criminal defense attorney before appearing in court.

A recent court session in another state ended with a married couple pleading guilty to federal charges of fraud. They are now awaiting their sentencing hearing in early December 2016. What led to their situation was a series of events that developed over a period of about 11 years.

The husband, age 45, filed a application through the Social Security Department to collect disability benefits for back pain that rendered him unable to work. He began collecting benefits that same year. However, in following years, while still collecting benefits, he is said to have helped his father build houses, then launched a construction company with his wife, for which he himself often provided labor.

During the course of those years, the couple collected more than $270,000 in benefits. At one point, the wife wrote a third-party function report, testifying that her husband remained in constant pain and had trouble even tying his own shoelaces. They both pleaded guilty to theft of government property and related fraud. In Wisconsin, white collar crimes of this nature often carry severe penalties if convicted; therefore, it is typically best to discuss a defense plan with a skilled attorney before going to court.

Source:, “Maywood couple admits guilt in federal Social Security fraud case“, Don O’brien, Sept. 1, 2016

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