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What is an evil twin Wi-Fi scam?

For many, connecting to Wi-Fi is a part of everyday life. From their home, to their work, to cars, to coffee shops, to restaurants, to airports, the list of places individuals connect their computers, phones and devices to Wi-Fi is quite vast.

One should not let how ubiquitous connecting to Wi-Fi is these days lull them into being careless when it comes to Wi-Fi connections. There are a variety of Wi-Fi scams out there. One such scam is an evil twin scam.

This type of Wi-Fi scam is a scam in which a person sets up a wireless network aimed at imitating a legitimate network. For example, it may have a benign-sounding name that makes it sound like a public network a coffee shop or other business has made available for customers. The scam is aimed at tricking people into connecting to the “evil twin” network and transmitting personal information over it, thus allowing the creator of the evil twin network to access this information or the devices connected to the network. Identity theft is one of the things such a scam could be used for.

Given this, it is important for an individual to not simply trust that every Wi-Fi network with a benign name is legitimate, but rather to be vigilant in checking the legitimacy of Wi-Fi networks one is thinking of connecting to and making sure the auto-connect settings on one’s devices are at safe levels.

Another situation in which great care is important is when a person is accused of committing an evil twin scam or some other Wi-Fi scam. A person could end up having state or federal charges leveled against them in relation to such allegations, such as identity theft charges. Facing such charges can be a very fraught situation in which even seemingly minor missteps could end up considerably impacting a person’s life. So, it is not a situation one should try deal with without the right guidance. Skilled cyber crime defense attorneys can provide Wisconsinites accused of Wi-Fi scams with advice addressing their individual situation.

Source: KOMO News, “Don’t Fall Victim to These Wi-Fi Scams,” Dec. 1, 2015

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